Month: February 2021
Webinar Series: “Distance Education and Artificial Intelligence Days” / Distance Education Coach – Prof. Dr. Gülsün Kurubacak & Lect. Dr. Serap Uğur (Turkey)
24 February 2021
Between 22-24 February 2021, we have performed a valuable series of discussion with the Distance Education Coach lead by Prof. Dr. Gülsün Kurubacak and Lect. Dr. Serap Uğur (from Anadolu…
Webinar: “Artificial Intelligence and the Fuzzy Technology” / Seminars on AI and ML – İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa & İstanbul MEM
19 February 2021
On 19 February 2021, I have given a webinar to valuable teachers from İstanbul MEM, as in the context of the seminars on AI and ML provided by the İstanbul…