Month: April 2021

Posted in Academic Keynote

Webinar: “Should We Be Careful Against Biomedical Systems of Technological Singularity?” / ETBS 2021 (India)

On 29 April 2021, I have given a keynote speech at the International Conference on Emergent Converging Technologies & Biomedical Systems (ETBS) 2021, which was organized by Electronics and Communication…

Posted in Academic Webinar

Webinar: “Decision Support Systems and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare” / Hekim.Net and İKÇU (Turkey)

On 22 April 2021, I have given a webinar on decision support systems and the role of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare applications. It was a great event with wide audience…

Posted in Academic Webinar

Webinar: “Artificial Intelligence and the Future” / ISUBÜ – Distance Education Vocational School (Turkey)

On 19 April 2021, I have talked about Artificial Intelligence and its future, at the webinar series by ISUBÜ Distance Education Vocational School, Turkey. Thanks go for the vocational school…

Posted in Academic Webinar

Webinar: “Essentials of Artificial Intelligence and A View for the Future” / MAKÜ – Gölhisar School of Applied Sciences (Turkey)

On 15 April 2021, I have given a webinar on essentials of Artificial Intelligence and discussions regarding the future, thanks to the invitation by MAKÜ Gölhisar School of Applied Sciences,…

Posted in Academic Webinar

Webinar: “Recent Concepts in Artificial Intelligence” / Karadeniz Technical University – Dept. of Management Information Systems (Turkey)

On 7 April 2021, I have given a webinar about the recent concepts of Artificial Intelligence. The session was for the students as well as academicians from the Dept. of…

Posted in Course Education

Online Training: “Artificial Intelligence” / CSCON 2021 – IEEE Turkey Section Student Branches (Turkey)

Between 3-4 April 2021, I have given online training on Artificial Intelligence, as in the context of the CSCON 2021 event, which was realized by the IEEE Turkey Section Student…
