Month: January 2021

Posted in Academic Book Project Education

New Edited Book: “Technology Usage for Education and Training at Home (In Turkish)” (Pegem Academy Publishing)

My new edited book “Technology Usage for Education and Training at Home: Theory, Applications and Future Views (In Turkish) was published by Pegem Academy Publishing. I would like send my…

Posted in Academic Book Project Education

New Edited Book: “Intelligent and Flexible Technologies in Education (In Turkish)” (Pegem Academy Publishing)

My new edited book “Intelligent and Flexible Technologies in Education (In Turkish) was published by Pegem Academy Publishing. I would like send my highest thanks to all authors. In order…

Posted in Academic Webinar

Webinar: “Explainable Artificial Intelligence for IoHT Applications” / IILM FDP “Research and Technologies of AI”

On 20 January 2021, I have given a webinar on use of XAI in IoHT application. The event was in the context of the IILM Faculty Development Program on “Resarch…

Posted in TV

Live TV Appear: BBN Türk TV – Ceviz Kabuğu / “Social Media, Social Fascism and Cyber Issues” (17.01.2021)

On 17 January 2021, we have appeared on BBN Türk TV, live TV show: Ceviz Kabuğu, which was prepared and lead by Dr. Hulki Cevizoğlu. We discussed widely about social…

Posted in TV

Live TV Appear: Channel 32 – Ruzinle Gün Başlıyor / “Societal Effects of the Technology” (13.01.2021)

On 13 Januar 2021, I have appeared on the Channel 32, at the live TV show: Ruzinle Gün Başlıyor, which was prepared and lead by Ruzin Azerhan. We have discussed…

Posted in Academic Webinar

Webinar: “The Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence” / E-Study Box | Near East University

On 11 January 2021, I have a given a webinar on Artificial Intelligence and its present – future state. It was a great session with kind interest by the wide…

Posted in TV

Live TV Appear: BBN Türk TV – ‘Ceviz Kabuğu’ / Elections in USA and the Technology (10.01.2021)

On 10 January 2021, we have appeared on BBN Türk TV, live TV show: Ceviz Kabuğu, which was prepared and lead by Dr. Hulki Cevizoğlu. Our discussion was on the…
